Brasil participa do Forum Social 2016 sobre direitos das pessoas com deficiência na ONU, em Genebra

sala do conselho dos direitos humanos da ONU, com pessoas sentadas em circulo e o teto colorido.

O Brasil vai participar do Forum Social organizado pelo Alto Comissariado de Direitos Humanos da ONU, de 3 a 5 de outubro em Genebra, que este ano tem como tema a promoção e o exercício dos direitos humanos e liberdades fundamentais das pessoas com deficiência em igualdade de condições. Mais de 200 pessoas de 80 países participarão do evento, que comemora os 10 anos da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência.

A comitiva será chefiada pela Secretária Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, Roseane Cavalcante de Freitas Estrela. A Secretária participará do programa principal, num painel sobre a Concretização dos Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência. Patricia Almeida, da Global Alliance for Disability in Media and Entertainment – GADIM, fará parte do painel – Implementando a Agenda 2030, à luz da Convenção – O Futuro que queremos. As duas também serão palestrantes no evento paralelo sobre “Mídia e Deficiência”, junto com a brasileira Beatriz Azeredo, da TV Globo.

As sessões oficiais serão transmitidas pela TV da ONU

Os eventos paralelos poderão serão transmitidos pela IDA – International Disability Alliance. Acompanhe:

Vídeo promocional:


Programa oficial (em inglês)

Human Rights Council

Social Forum

3 – 5 October 2016

Room XX, Palais des Nations, Geneva


3 October 2016

10h00-10h35 Opening of the Social Forum

  • H.E. Mr. Jorge Lomónaco, Permanent Representative of Mexico, Co-Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Social Forum
  • Mr. Carl Allan Reaich, Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargé d’affaires a.i of New Zealand, Co-Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Social Forum
  • Mr. Choi Kyong-Lim, President of the Human Rights Council
  • Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Mr. Colin Allen, Chairperson of the International Disability Alliance (IDA)

10h35-10h45Video: “Persons with disabilities: 10 years after the CRPD”

10h45-11h30 Setting the Scene: From Needs to Rights – Advances and Challenges

Moderator: Ms. Saowalak Thongkuay, Member of the Steering Committee of ASEAN Disability Forum

  • H.E. Mr. Georgi Panayotov, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the United Nations in New York, President of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (video message)
  • Ms. Catalina Devandas Aguilar, Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
  • Ms. María Soledad Cisternas, Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Ms. Zhang Haidi, Chairperson of China Disabled Persons’ Federation

11h30-13h00 General Statements & Questions

13h00-15h00 LUNCH BREAK

15h00-15h45 Persons with Disabilities and Human Diversity: Embracing Diversity and Awareness Raising

Moderator: Ms. Catalina Devandas Aguilar, Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities

  • Mr. Peter Ochieng, Chair of Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities Youth Council
  • Ms. Heisoo Shin, Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  • Ms. Anna Lawson, Director of the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds
  • Ms. Verónica Carolina González, Journalist specialized in gender and disability, Public Television of Argentina

15h45-16h30 Interactive Dialogue

16h30-17h15 Accessibility and Non-discrimination: ‘Leaving No One Behind’

Moderator: Ms. Anna Lawson, Director of the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds

  • Ms. Pratima Gurung, Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network, Asia Chapter
  • Mr. Alejandro Marzo Pena, Director of the Cuban Association of the Deaf
    • Ms. Silvia Perel-Levin, International Longevity Centre Global Alliance
  • Ms. Dena Ahmed Saif Al-Thani, Assistant Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University

17h15-18h00 Interactive Dialogue

4 October 2016
10h00-10h45 Strengthening Equality and Specific Measures

Moderator: Mr. Jose María Díaz Batanero, Strategy and Policy Coordinator, International Telecommunications Union

  • Ms. Lidia Pretorius, Chief Director, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Department of Social Development of South Africa
  • Ms. Ana Lucía Arellano, Chair, Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families
  • Ms. Esther Kyozira, National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda

10h45-11h30 Interactive Dialogue

11h30-12h15 Meaningful Participation and Empowerment

Moderator: Ms. Rosangela Berman-Bieler, Senior Advisor on Children with Disability of the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

  • Mr. Robert Martin, People First New Zealand – Nga Tangata Tuatahi
  • Ms. Gerel Dondovdorj, CEO of the Mongolian National Federation of the Blind
  • Mr. Pascal Benga Tonangoye, Magistrate at the Court of Auditors of Gabon
  • Mr. Khalid Al Nuaimi, President of the Arab Union for the Blind

12h15-13h00 Interactive Dialogue

13h00-15h00 LUNCH BREAK

15h00-15h45 Making Development Inclusive 

Moderator: Ms. Lidia Pretorius, Chief Director, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Department of Social Development of South Africa

  • Ms. Judith E. Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights of the U.S. Department of State (video message)
  • Mr. Michael Njenga, Board Member, Pan African Network of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities
  • Ms. Priscile Geiser, Chair of the International Disability and Development Consortium
  • Ms. Rosangela Berman-Bieler, Senior Advisor on Children with Disability, UNICEF

15h45-16h30 Interactive Dialogue
16h30-17h15       Strengthening Accountability

Moderator: Mr. Stefan Trömel, Senior Disability Specialist, International Labor Organization (ILO)

  • Ms. Malena Pineda Ángeles, Chief of program persons with disabilities, National Human Rights Institution of Peru
  • Mr. Alastair McEwin, Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Ms. Godliver Omondi, Senator of the State of Kenya
  • Mr. Geir Jensen, President of the World Federation of the DeafBlind

17h15-18h00 Interactive Dialogue

5 October 2016

10h00-10h45     Roundtable: Informing Policy

Moderator: Ms. María Soledad Cisternas, Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

  • Ms. Bhargavi Davar, Transforming communities for Inclusion, Asia
  • Mr. Alberto Vázquez Encalada, Research coordinator, Office of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
  • Ms. Yvette Maker, Disability Research Initiative, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne

10h45-11h30            Interactive Dialogue

11h30-12h15 Realizing the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

Moderator: Mr. Vladimir Cuk, Executive Director, IDA

  • Ms. Theresia Degener, Member of the CRPD Committee
  • H.E. Ms. Roseane Cavalcante de Freitas Estrela, National Secretary for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of Brazil
  • Ms. Yeni Rosa Damayanti, Chairperson, Indonesia Mental Health Association

12h15-13h00 Interactive Dialogue

13h00-15h00 LUNCH BREAK

15h00-15h40 Implementation of Agenda 2030 under the CRPD: The Future We Want

Moderator: Mr. Facundo Chávez Penillas, Human Rights and Disability Advisor, OHCHR

  • NHRI perspective: Ms. Nomasonto Mazibuko, Commissioner, Commission for Gender Equality of South Africa
  • Media perspective: Ms. Patricia Almeida, Founder of the Global Alliance for Disability in Media and Entertainment
  • International Organization perspective: Ms. Kirstin Lange, Chair of the Inter-Agency Support Group to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Private sector perspective: Mr. Stefan Trömel, Senior Disability Specialist, ILO

15h40-16h10 Interactive Dialogue

16h10-16h50 Implementation of Agenda 2030 under the CRPD: The Future We Want (continued)

Moderator: Mr. Bat-Erdene Ayush, Chief, Right to Development Section, OHCHR

  • Academia perspective: Ms. Abia Akram, Chief Executive Officer, National Forum of Women with Disabilities of Pakistan
  • State perspective: H.E. Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations in Geneva
  • Donor institution perspective: Ms. Eppu Mikkonen-Jeanneret, Senior Adviser for Global Social Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  • Organization of Persons with Disability’s perspective: Mr. Alzouma Maiga Idriss, President of the West African Federation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities

16h50-17h25 Interactive Dialogue

17h25-18h00 Summing Up, Conclusions and Closure of the Social Forum

  • Ms. Kate Gilmore, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • H.E. Mr. Jorge Lomónaco, Permanent Representative of Mexico, Co-Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Social Forum and/or
  • Mr. Carl Allan Reaich, Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargé d’affaires a.i of New Zealand, Co-Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Social Forum


Lista de eventos paralelos (em inglês)

Human Rights Council

8th Session of the Social Forum

3-5 October 2016

Date of meeting Start time

End time

Room Title of meeting (please choose one) Full name and acronym, if any, of the organization responsible for the meeting (as in ECOSOC database) Public  private No. of people Equipment  & other requirements
3/10 13:15 – 14:45 XXIV Media and persons with disabilities International Disability Alliance (IDA), Global Alliance for Disability in Media and Entertainment (GADIM), and PM of Brazil (TBC) and OHCHR Public  130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
3/10 13:15 – 14:45 XXV CRPD: A Global Call to Universal Ratification UN Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities, PM TBC, OHCHR and International Disability Alliance (IDA) Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
4/10 08:15 – 9:45 XXIV HR and Access to Palliative Care for Persons with Disability International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
4/10 08:15 – 9:45 XXV Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities and HR under CRPD World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP), International Disability Alliance (IDA), PM of Brazil (TBC) and PM of Portugal (TBC) Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
4/10 13:15 – 14:45 XXIV Right to Live Independently and be Included in the Community European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) and International Disability Alliance (IDA) (TBC) Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
4/10 13:15 – 14:45 XXV Underrepresented Groups of Persons with Disabilities International Disability Alliance (IDA), Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities (TBC), OHCHR and PM TBC Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
5/10 08:15 – 9:45 XXIV CRPD: Technical Cooperation, Capacity-Building & Monitoring European Disability Forum (EDF), African Disability Forum (ADF), Pacific Disability Forum (TBC & others) and PM TBC Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
5/10 08:15 – 9:45 XXV Toward Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities International Disability Alliance (IDA), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), PM TBC and OHCHR Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
5/10 13:15 – 14:45 XXIV Human Rights and SDGs: Monitoring and Mutual Reinforcement International Disability Alliance (IDA) and International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC), in partnership with PM TBC and OHCHR Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption
5/10 13:15 – 14:45 XXV Women with disabilities in decision making processes International Disability Alliance (IDA), International Disability and Development Consortium, PM TBC and World YWCA Public 130 On display board, PC, screens, projector, country nameplates, access to interpretation booths, ramps to access podiums for panellists using wheelchairs, phone lines for closed caption

Link relacionado:

Iniciativa global de inclusão através da mídia será lançada na ONU em Genebra


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