In 2020 #ChooseAccessibility

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The decision is in your hands! Share and participate! This is a collaborative campaign.

In 2020 #ChooseAccessibility

Image description: illustration of two stores, shop 1 with stairs, shop 2 with ramp. Text: In 2020 #ChooseAccessibility (square)



This is a collaborative campaign. If you’re in favor of accessibility and want to promote this idea. You can find the editable campaign material below and customize it.

Share it on social media! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Send as messages in WhatsApp.

Be creative and engage your friends! You can use your own videos, photos, showing accessible places and explaining how an accessibility feature help you have access. Doesn’t have to be physical accessibility, it can be communicational, sensorial…

Always write the hashtag #ChooseAccessibility alongside, and describe the images for people who do not see.

Image description: illustration of two stores, shop 1 with stairs, shop 2 with ramp. Text: By 2020… #ChooseAccessibility



This idea came up more than 10 years ago. I lived in Brasilia and went to buy bread at the bakery. My daughter was a baby and I was pushing her stroller.

I stood in front of two bakeries on the same street – one with a huge staircase and one with a ramp.

Which one was most interested in serving all customers well? Which one complied with the law and guaranteed accessibility?

I had no doubt in my choice.

The video project came later, in partnership with the animator Lola Ramos, but ended up being shelved.

The moment to bring it to light could not be more opportune, when Brazilian shopkeepers question the right of access, built by the demand of the community of people with disabilities to the public authorities over so many years.

This right is guaranteed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by 181 countries.

You, as a citizen and consumer, have a great power of decision in your hands.


In 2020, choose to buy in law-abiding shops, businesses and services that are ready to welcome everyone.

Help monitor and report lack of access.

Practice, demand and help spread the word about and promote accessibility in your networks.

Because if we don’t die young, sooner or later we’ll all need it.


Patricia Almeida, creator of the #ChooseAccessibility campaign


Watch and share the campaign video on Youtube:

On Facebook:

Video description: In an animation, man stands in front of two stores. Shop 1, with stairs at the entrance, shop 2 with a ramp at the entrance. He thinks and walks to shop 2, where several people with different characteristics are also heading to. Text: Choose Accessibility. The image is opening and, while shop 2 continues to receive several customers, shop 1 appears closed, under renovation, as well as the other stores around, all conforming to accessibility standards.

Concept: Patricia Almeida

Creator: Lola Ramos and Pedro Serapicos music.



European Accessibility Standards for Public Buildings

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Report lack of access can be made directly to your local consumer authority.

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Image description: illustration of two stores, shop 1 with stairs, shop 2 with ramp. Text: #ChooseAccessibility rectangular text written on top.


You can customize it any way you want, be creative, use your photo, logo or signature.

Do not forget to always include image description!

Choose Accessibility kit PDF

Choose Accessibility Kit PDF

Open file in Powerpoint to customize in any language:

Choose Accessibility Kit PPT

Acessibilidade_final Video

Source: Inclusive

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